What's good gang, I know I know, I was supposed to been blogging but life has been lifeing (and I know this isn't a real word) over here! I hope this post finds you well as we get into the meat of the last quarter of the year. With that being said let's chat!
Chile, being a full time mom and business owner can get ghetto at times. I posted an IGTV opening up about my struggles with depression and anxiety! Whenever you get some time go check it out (IG: @dopemomgang). But for a brief snippet I was just talking about I made a decision to stop taking my prescribed meds and finding more holistic solutions to replace my meds. Let me tell you something friend, going cold turkey may not have been the best solution but I did it and it has been ROUGH, if we're being honest. When I say the Evelyn picture has been my mood for the past 3 weeks, all me! I've had some good, and definitely my share of WTF days. I talk a lot about making sure you take care of yourself and that your cup is always full because what do you have to give to others when it's empty? So making sure I take care of myself first is imperative, especially these days.
Owning your own business is easy, "who said that" **in my Kandi voice**. Now let's talk entrepreneurship and how ghetto it can get at times. Please don't believe the social media hype surrounding entrepreneurship, folks be LYING, lol! Although it does provide a lifestyle that you may desire and some type of time freedom, it is not for the weak, Periodt! We are around the corner from our 1 year anniversary and I'm so excited, BUT at the same time we have hit a wall. It takes a level of patience, commitment, time, money and creativity to stay in this game. I am at a point where I'm having to re-evaluate things in my business to make sure they are in alignment with my mission and purpose. So am I quitting, HELL NAH, I love this shit! But I am taking a step back so that I am able to ensure the quality of my overall brand is A-1! I'm always in my head and I constantly remind myself why I started and it wasn't for the merchandise. I birthed this brand to be a resource and build a community for my moms of color to have when they need it. There were some many times I looked for answers and there weren't any that I could relate to, so here I am creating what I needed at one of the lowest points of my life. Dopeish Lifestyle is just an extension of DOPE Mom to serve as a reminder that you are the shit, you can make it, and that everything will be alright in the end! So I do think that it is important to lead with purpose, consistency and value to stay in this game, because at the end of the day the question is "what problem are you helping to solve?". Just know that I'm coming with the heat for y'all to rep the best hood there is, motherhood 🤟🏽